While not my typical style of adventure, my latest one is my new shiny job. This will involve cleaning up some of the worst code I’ve ever seen and trying not to hurt peoples feelings.

But enough about that here. Anything else concerning this will be written on MORGLOG, which is likely to become very WTF Code over the next couple of months.
In real Adventuring news, I’m planning my next tour. Since hot hot summer is approaching dusty ol’ down under continuing north is out of the question. So I was thinking about looping Tasmania in January. The plan is pretty loose at the moment but might even involve shipping my gear to Melbourne and riding unloaded (fast) from Sydney then taking the ferry to Devenport in the north part of Tasmania. That is as far as I have thought. More will be posted on that and a prospective tour of New Zealand March of next year.
Tasmania is the best. Tasmanians are the best.